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How To Decide To Switch To A New Career As A Holistic Nutritionist, Part 2


How To Decide To Switch To A New Career As A Registered Holistic Nutritionist, Part 2 | Online Nutrition Training Course & Diplomas | Edison Institute of Nutrition

If you’re considering training to be a holistic nutritionist, it helps to go through the process of considering your options.

After all, making the decision to switch careers is not one that should be taken lightly.

In our last article, we talked to entrepreneur coach Veronica Kirin about the process of how to decide to switch careers in the first place.

Veronica is back to help us with the next step.

Having decided to switch careers, how do you decide if training to be a holistic nutritionist is right for you?

In case you missed the first article, you might want to read it first – click here.

Questions To Ask Yourself To Decide On A New Career Path

As with last time, Veronica gives us a few questions to help you make your decision.

Let’s take a look.

1. What Is It, Exactly, You Don’t Like About Your Current Career?

“If you’re looking to make a change,” says Veronica, “you definitely want to know what you haven’t liked in the past so you don’t repeat the past.”

This is what helps you actually target how to build a life that better suits you.

After all, knowing what to run away from is just as important as knowing what to run toward.

These can be things like your company’s culture, your industry, or even the less tangible things.

“You might, for example, hate working for a company that still uses fax machines in 2021, or the constant meetings that feel pointless.”

Veronica suggests making a note of these things.

“Consider carrying a notebook or make a note file on your phone, and jot down things as they come up.”

But wouldn’t it just be easier to make a list of these things latter?

“The problem with that is that your brain has convinced itself that your current career path is the path you need to take to reach your goals. So it will gloss over some of these things in order to avoid anxiety or even depression. This makes it harder to think of them in retrospect.”

2. What Is It You DO Like About Your Current Career?

Similar to the above, it’s important to understand what elements of your current career actually ARE enjoyable.

And because your brain tends to focus more on the things that make us happy, this is easier to do in retrospect.

“It’s still a good idea to use the notebook technique,” says Veronica, “but if you actually do like something you’re not as likely to avoid thinking about it.”

It’s worthwhile to consider your talents though – and not just in relation to your career.

You might have skills you feel you aren’t able to use in your current career – this can be a great jumping off point.

For example, you may have been told you have a calming presence, or that you’re great with people.

This can be one of the traits that make a great holistic nutritionist.

But you might not get everything you want – and that’s okay.

“Keep a sense of humility,” says Veronica. “It’s rare to find every single thing you love in a single career. But that’s okay, it’s why we have hobbies.”

At the end of the day, it’s about finding something you can be happy doing.

“We’re looking to love what we do,” says Veronica, “not necessarily to have everything we love in what we do.”

3. How Realistic Is It For You To Change To A Given Career?

“It’s completely realistic!” Veronica shouted as soon as we asked her this question.

You might find your brain creating excuses for why you can’t or shouldn’t change your career.

These are, more often than not, based in fear.

“If we believe we can’t make a change,” says Veronica, “we end up staying in the jobs we hate. This is one of the biggest lies the world tells us.”

Some of the most common things people tell themselves to convince themselves not to change careers include:

  • “I’m too old”
  • “I’m not smart enough”
  • “I’m too poor”
  • “I don’t have the support”
  • “I’m already dedicated to a different path”
  • “I’m not motivated enough”
  • “I’m not ready”
  • “I don’t think I can”
  • “I’m scared”

Any of the above – or even all of the above – may technically be true, but you can find plenty of stories of folks who overcame each of the above barriers.

Of course, it’s important to recognize the reality you face.

“You can overcome your barriers – I’ve seen it happen – but they’re still barriers. I don’t want you to pretend they’re not there.”

So, what’s the right move?

“You don’t have to do everything all at once,” says Veronica. “In fact, it’s not going to happen all at once, but it can happen on your timeline. If it takes you three years to graduate with a holistic nutrition diploma, for example, that’s okay.”

While it may seem frustrating to be taking what feels like baby steps toward your goal, those baby steps will help motivate you.

“The most important part is to start taking action of some kind,” says Veronica. “Even that first step will inspire hope, and will feel much better than stagnation.”

4. What Skills Are You Missing To Start A New Career?

Naturally, if you’re considering a career as a holistic nutritionist, the answer to this question is “a diploma from Edison.”

But of course, there’s more to it than that.

What other skills are you missing that will be either crucial to your success, or a boon to it?

“This is where social media comes in handy,” says Veronica. “YouTube, reddit, Khan Academy, Coursera, and other places have so much information on them about your new career path. And beyond that, there’s email lists, Facebook groups, documentaries, blogs from other nutritionists, etc.”

How does all this information serve you?

“It’s not a replacement for formal training,” says Veronica, “but it can help you get a better idea of what being a holistic nutritionist is like. It can also give you an idea of what you need to get where you want to be.”

Be resourceful – there are so many resources out there for people in a similar situation as you.

“Start following other holistic nutritionists online. Take a look at what they’re doing, and see what you might need to duplicate their model.”

On top of this, though, it can be incredibly helpful to find someone to help you.

“Finding a mentor isn’t always as overwhelming as it might seem. You can start by joining webinars and asking questions. But you don’t have to be 100% finished your training and practicing to find someone who will talk to you about their business.”

Once you’ve found someone whose practice you’d like to model, talk to us here at Edison about it.

Chances are, we offer a holistic nutritionist continuing education course that can help you reach your goal.

And if not, we’ll help you find somewhere that does.

want to be a holistic nutritionist? Here's how | Online Nutrition Training Course & Diplomas | Edison Institute of Nutrition

5. What Are Your Most Important Values?

What are the fundamental beliefs that motivate you?

This harkens back to the first two questions – knowing what you like and don’t like.

Based on the answers to these questions, you can extrapolate what your values might be.

And knowing these will help you decide what career path to choose.

“If you value freedom, for example,” says Veronica, “it’s likely that one of the things you don’t like is to have to work in an office from 9 – 5. In that case, some of the career options for a holistic nutritionist might be nice for you, because you can choose your own hours.”

If you’re having trouble deciding on your values, Veronica has a workbook to simplify the process.

Contact Edison Institute Of Nutrition

Have you decided to take the plunge yet?

Having decided to make a change in your career, are you considering becoming a holistic nutritionist?

If so, contact the Edison Institute of Nutrition today.

One of our counsellors will listen to your concerns and help you decide whether an Edison education is right for you.

Contact Edison Institute of Nutrition today.