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Using Holistic Nutrition as Treatment for Eczema


Using Registered Holistic Nutrition as Treatment for Eczema | Online Nutrition Training Course & Diplomas | Edison Institute of NutritionWhen you attend registered holistic nutritionist schools, one of the core tenets you’ll learn is that your body is intimately affected by what you eat.

Food can either benefit you, or increase inflammation and discomfort depending on your food allergies and sensitivities.

This is especially true for skin conditions, like eczema, which are closely related to the general level of inflammation in your body, as well as to a number of other health conditions like asthma and sinusitis.

Registered holistic nutrition can be an effective treatment for eczema because a registered holistic nutritionist will identify and work with your particular food allergies and sensitivities.

This may reduce the symptoms of eczema that you experience.

Now, let’s find out more.

What Is Eczema?

Atopic dermatitis, also known as eczema, is a common skin condition that often presents as itchy and inflamed patches of skin.

It’s most often seen in young children and babies; particularly on the faces of babies.

Eczema is not restricted to babies and young children, however — it can also be found in teens and adults.

What Are The Symptoms Of Eczema?

Agitated skin is the main symptom of eczema. Your skin is often itchy, dry, rough, flakey, and inflamed.

Eczema often has flare ups, which then subside and later flare again.

It can show up anywhere on your body, but is most often seen on the arms, inner elbows, cheeks, scalp, and the back of the knees.

It’s not unusual to grow out of eczema if you first developed it as a child. There are more severe symptoms of eczema that include:

  • Red or brown-gray patches of skin
  • Crusty patches of dried yellowish ooze, which can indicate the presence of an infection
  • Thickened, scaly skin
  • Small, raised bumps that ooze fluid when scratched

You should never scratch your skin if it has any of the above symptoms because it will only further agitate your skin, increasing the risk for infections that require antibiotics. Of course, it’s also important to highlight that eczema is not contagious.

What Are The Different Types Of Eczema?

There are a number of different types of eczema. Let’s take a closer look.

Atopic Dermatitis

The most common type of eczema is atopic dermatitis. This type is characterized by dry, itchy skin that appears alongside a red rash.

Dyshidrotic Dermatitis

Dyshidrotic dermatitis affects your fingers, palms of your hands, and the soles of your feet. It presents as itchy, scaly patches of skin that flake or become cracked, red, and painful.

Contact Dermatitis

Contact dermatitis is caused by contact with irritants. The most common symptoms of this are burning, itching, and redness. The inflammation is an allergic reaction that typically subsides when the irritant is removed.

Nummular Dermatitis

Nummular dermatitis usually affects your legs and causes dry, circular patches of skin during the winter months.

how a holistic nutritionist can help treat eczema | Online Nutrition Training Course & Diplomas | Edison Institute of Nutrition

Using Registered Holistic Nutrition as Treatment For Eczema

Registered holistic nutrition can be an effective treatment for eczema because what you eat can increase your risk factor for developing the condition.

This is because you may create inflammation in your body by eating a food that you are either sensitive or allergic to.

The goal is to minimize any bodily inflammation so that your skin stays calm and clear. When you finish your holistic nutrition diploma program online, you’ll learn that below are just some of the approaches you can take to help your clients with their eczema.

1. Address Any Food Allergies & Sensitivities

The first step in using registered holistic nutrition is to address and isolate any food allergies or sensitivities.

There are tests you can order which isolate what foods, if any, don’t work well with your body.

Alternatively, it’s worth noting that some common food allergies include:

  • Eggs
  • Dairy products
  • Soy
  • Nuts

2. Eat Probiotic Rich Foods

Eating probiotic rich foods which contain live cultures may help to support a strong immune system.

This may help to reduce eczema flare ups and allergic reactions. Foods rich in probiotics include:

  • Miso soup
  • Sourdough bread
  • Soft cheeses, like gouda
  • Kefir
  • Tempeh
  • Naturally fermented pickles
  • Sauerkraut
  • Kim chi

It’s important to remember that even foods which are considered to be eczema-friendly can trigger a flare up if you are allergic or sensitive to them. That’s why it’s so important to isolate exactly what your body’s food triggers are.

3. Eat Omega‑3 Rich Foods

Eating omega 3 rich foods may be able to reduce your symptoms. Some examples of foods rich in omega 3 are fatty fish like salmon and herring.

Fish oil contains high levels of omega 3 fatty acids, which are naturally anti-inflammatory.

You can also get omega 3 fatty acids in supplement form, although through food is often preferable.

There are a number of other health benefits of omega 3 fatty acids as well. It’s considered one of the foods that can make you smarter, and is a nutrition practice that can reduce the effects of arthritis.

It can also help maintain good eye health. And because it’s generally well tolerated, it’s not a bad idea to incorporate omega 3 fatty acids into your nutrition plans for most of your clients.

4. Eat Quercetin Rich Foods

Quercetin is a plant-based flavonoid that is also a powerful antioxidant and antihistamine.

It reduces both inflammation and the levels of histamine in your body.

Foods high in quercetin include:

  • Apples
  • Cherries
  • Broccoli
  • Spinach
  • Kale
  • Blueberries

Contact The Edison Institute Of Nutrition

As you can see, there’s a great benefit to using registered holistic nutrition as treatment for eczema.

Your body is intimately connected to what you eat, and that is a great place to start with the goal of improving the general health of your body.

If you know someone with eczema, or you’ve dealt with it yourself, you might have considered nutrition as a way to address your symptoms.

Why not take the extra step and learn how to help others as well? Contact the Edison Institute Of Nutrition today, and let’s talk about a career as a holistic nutritionist.