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Myths About Weight Management

Myths About Weight Managementweight loss

You will often hear a variety of advice about weight loss. How to lose it, how to keep it off, what to do, what not to do, what you should eat, what you shouldn’t eat, and more. While this advice may come from a well-meaning place, it’s often incorrect. Here is a list of some of the most common weight management myths you may have heard, and the truth behind them.

  • All Calories Are Equal – A calorie is a way to measure energy, and all calories have the same energy content. This does not mean though, that all sources of calories affect your weight in the same way. Each food you eat is processed differently in your body and can have a variety of effects on your weight and hunger. Protein calories, for instance, can boost your metabolism, reduce your appetite and cravings, and optimize the functioning of weight-regulating hormones.
  • Losing Weight Happens in A Linear Way – People may assume that losing weight happens in a downward way on a chart. This is simply not the case. Weight fluctuates frequently, and some weeks you may have lost a few pounds while others you may have gained a few. If the overall trend is downward, you will still succeed long-term.
  • Eating Less and Moving More Is Good Advice – In order to lose fat, you need to have more calories leave your body than you take in. As such, eating less and moving more seems like sound advice. However, those with serious weight problems who follow this advice often end up gaining it back. To lose weight properly, you need to balance your metabolism, balance your hormones, change your behavior, your thoughts, your diet, and your exercise habits.
  • Carbs Make You Gain Weight – The obesity epidemic really started in the 1980s, but humans have been eating carbs long before then. It is the type of carbs that cause the weight gain. While low-carb diets can help with weight loss, whole foods that contain complex carbs are very healthy for you.
  • Fat Is Bad for You – Fat in itself is not necessarily fattening. If you’re eating health giving fats it should not make you gain weight. The context in which you’re eating fat, such as a high-calorie bad fat junk food is what will have the most impact on your weight.
  • Fast Food Is Fattening – While some options are not good for you, there are some places that can provide healthier alternatives. You can order a burger without the bun, choose salads as a side or a main instead of fries, or select restaurants that serve better options overall.
  • Obesity is Unhealthy, Thin Is Healthy – Obesity is associated with health risks. However, there are some people with obesity who are healthy, and thin people who suffer from diseases. It depends on where the fat builds up in your body. Fat under your skin is more of a cosmetic issue, while fat in the abdominal area around the organs is associated with higher health problems.

When taking a holistic nutrition course at the Edison Institute of Nutrition, you will gather an understanding of what works when it comes to taking care of your body effectively and efficiently.

The Edison Institute of Nutrition is internationally recognized in Canada for its nutrition programs and provides online courses worldwide. These courses are designed to meet a variety of nutrition-related guidelines, including:

  • Achieving better health
  • Learning about holistic nutrition
  • How to become a holistic nutrition resource for others
  • Pursuing a professional certification in holistic nutrition

For details about our programs and to learn how to obtain a Diploma in Holistic Nutrition, call the Edison Institute of Nutrition today at  or contact us to speak with one of our educational advisors.

Read more about weight loss here: